Shocking that M@ndy seems to be delivering the goods and someone like ScarBo, who’s always seemed quite exhibitionist, has been tame.
As someone that follows both of them it's not really a surprise, I could always tell M@ndy loves showing off her body. Whether it be photoshoots, her having a more exhibitionist Instagram than other WWE girls, all those tik tok videos she used to do at home. That's the real M@ndy. A chill girl that is hot as fuck, knows it and loves showing it off.
Someone like Sc@rlett to me comes off more like, for want of a better word, a product. She'd take sexy photoshoots just the same but you never really see the real her like the way you'd see the real M@ndy in what she posts. I mean I've never once seen Sc@rlett without a full face of makeup in all these years and that's not even a criticism of her, I love girls like this too. But with her everything is more presenting a specific image or product.
So yeah you can tell a lot about these women from their social media. But with Sc@rlett, every post looks like it was arranged with a team of photographers, makeup artists and image editors. It's all a whole production. And of course M@ndy has content like that too, but you'd also often see low effort, casual photos and videos she took spur of the moment because she wants to.
So it's no surprise the more authentic one turns out to be more down to deliver lewd content, since she's just being herself and actually wants to do it and isn't just pushing a specific hot bimbo image the way Scarlett is.